Vote for RebornCraft

U kan niet voten op mobiele apparaten.

Votes 0
Laatste stem kayak1
Uptime 73.66 %

Survival Creative PvP Cracked Votifier Server Versie 1.7.4


--Respect Everyone--
Dont ask to be Oped
Dont ask for unnecessary Help
Dont ask to help you build
Dont complain about being killed
Dont complain about being raided
Dont Spam In Chat
Dont Advertise
You Should Report any bug you find we will reward you
You Should Follow the Rules to Have Fun
Have Fun.

How To Earn Money?
- Sell Items In Shop /sell or /buy to buy
- Vote Everyday to earn more than 5000$ In Game Cash
- Donate

How To Vote?
- Go To The Website
- Find The Voting Links there are 5 at the moment
- Now open the first link (you can do it on the others 4)
- A Webpage will popup
- you have to wait 5 seconds (to help the server not to download anything)
- Now press Close Ad on the top right corner
- After that it will redirect you to one of the voting sites (Pmc..Minestatus..)
- Find To Complete Captcha and enter your username
- Now press the confirmation button

How to Play?
- Press Multiplayer
- Thereafter Press Add Server
- in Name put the server name "RebornCraft"
- Ip Address put or
- Now Hit Join The Server
- if you Dont know how to register type in game chat
- /register thepasswordYouWant retypeit
- then the next time you join you shall use /login andthepasswordyouregisteredbefore
- Now type /kit info for more information in game.

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